spring has sprung!

happy spring equinox nutrx-sters!

spring is the time for rejuvenation and renewal! it is nature breathing new life into our bodies, as we reach up for the sun’s newfound warmth. it is the expanding, uplifting, re-energising flow of energy from the static, cold, and hibernating winter.

in springtime we undertake new journeys of discovery and prosperity, for health, wealth, and happiness. let this spring begin your journey to more harmony, health, and inner peace.

let this spring begin your journey with nutrx!

seasonal eating

what is seasonal eating?

the concepts of seasonal eating stem from traditional chinese medicine, bringing our bodies into harmony with the earth and the seasons. food is the source of healing and wellness.

you are what you eat

an outline of the 5 seasons

the ancient chinese knew that by eating different foods at different times of year, their bodies were able to adapt to the shifting climate and they could have an abundance of youthful, joyous energy year round!

what is nutrx anyway?

nutrx is your guide to seasonal eating and harmony with nature. we provide easy, affordable recipes that anyone can cook at home, and guide you through the season’s ingredients to give you the confidence to experiment with your own meals and snacks!

sprouting for beginners

spring is the time for fresh, new growth! what better way to attune to the season than by sprouting your own herbs and leaves for fresh ingredients right from the windowsill!

so easy your kids can do it!

mother nature

let nature be thy guide


highlighting the season’s best!

nutrx provides a snapshot of some of the season’s most impactful, fresh ingredients to include in your cooking, and the benefits of each! and the best part is that nature sprouts them just in time!


easy, affordable recipes to inspire!

are you sick of cooking the same 5 meals over and over? nutrx will give you easy, affordable recipes that change with the seasons so you’ll never be bored in the kitchen again!


attuning your organs and body to spring

each season of the year targets a specific organ in the body. by providing you with some helpful info, you can begin to recognise your own signs of deficiency and focus your meals around healing and wellness to reduce stress and improve vitality!

Need Answers?

frequently asked
nutrition questions

why seasonal eating?

seasonal eating brings your body and organs into line with nature. it a healthy way of eating to help adjust to the cold of winter and the warmth of summer, while providing you with all of the nutrients your body requires year round!

what does it cost?

nothing! at this stage, nutrx’s blog is free information collated to help guide you to better health. we have a passion for holistic health and just want to help people!

will nutrx help me to build muscle?

personally, i am in this category too. nutrx is designed for all body types and goals. we provide macros for each recipe to help you track your progress, but at worst, you can always substitute or add ingredients!

will nutrx help me lose weight?

weight loss will come from healthy eating choices and regular exercise. we provide you with the information and the recipes to eat healthier…the rest is up to you!

what are your credentials?

i have studied nutrition through a globally recognised institute, and have had a passion for healthy, holistic eating for almost a decade! before i found seasonal eating, i was fat, lazy, and riddled with health problems but thanks to my education and personal research i have turned this around and want to help as many people as i can to do the same!

what if i’m allergic to some ingredients?

each season we provide both ingredients and meal ideas for you to use at your discretion. if you are allergic to something, or just don’t like it, feel free to substitute it out for something else!

there are no stupid questions!

shoot me a message and i’ll be happy to help!