spring has sprung!

Spring is the time for rejuvenation and renewal! It is nature breathing new life into our bodies, as we reach up for the sun’s newfound warmth. It is the expanding, uplifting, re-energising flow of energy from the static, cold, and hibernating winter. Spring is the time for wood, for plants, for flowers, for offspring, and for new growth, both in nature and in ourselves. For as the Chinese traditions say, we are harmonious with nature. We are a part of her, not separate from our mother. She is a part of us too. As our species dances and weaves its way through time, we are but another creature in her greater plan.

The Chinese traditions advocate for 5 harmonious seasons, for 5 elements, that make up the universe, that make up our bodies, and that make up the states of energy flowing through both.

Spring is represented by the wood element, signifying rebirth, growth, strength, and uplifting energy. Cleansed and rejuvenated by the waters of Winter, wood grows upward towards the sky, reaching for sunlight and for nourishment to provide mother nature with food, shade, and timber to build from. The wood is then burned during the fires of summer, decomposed into earth in late summer, and then forms metals in the soil during fall, before once again being nourished and cleansed by the waters and the cycle continues.

Within our bodies, the wood element assists the liver to rejuvenate our organs and digestion. It helps us process and cleanse and repair. It helps to remove toxins and excess from the overeating of winter and helps to bring new energy into the body. The liver also plays a huge role in our energy levels and in processing everything that comes through our mouths before heading into the intestines for absorption.

It is thus critical to look after our livers. It is the organ that is most damaged in the western diet due to overconsumption, excessive toxins, meat, cheese, fats, etc. all blocking the liver’s function. This has a number of effects on the body relating to digestion, gas, constipation, diabetes, inflammation, indigestion, ulcers, stress, inflammation, weight, thyroid, anger, impatience frustration, resentment, rudeness, arrogance, stubbornness, aggression, impulsiveness…the list goes on!

When our liver is in balance with nature, there is less stress and tension in the body. Calmness, good judgement, better leadership, decisiveness, and youthful exuberance are all symptoms of a healthy, balanced liver.

A healthy liver also reduces the risk of heart disease, helps to strengthen the kidneys – further reducing stress, resentment, and repressed emotions, and encourages the heart (the fire organ) toward compassion, love, and joy.

Nutrx is aligned with creating healthy, harmonious humans that ebb and flow with the seasons, that live in balance with nature, and that are in a constant state of inner peace and health, based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine and philosophy. Eating with the seasons helps the body to adjust to the changing climate, helps to fuel our organs and to alleviate stress upon the body caused by an unhealthy western diet. Seasonal eating brings us into alignment with mother nature, connecting us to the ever-changing seasons, and creating harmony both within our bodies and without. You are what you eat, so why not be harmonious, healthy, fresh, creative, and fun!

In springtime we undertake new journeys of discovery and prosperity, for health, wealth, and happiness. Let this spring begin your journey to more harmony, health, and inner peace. Let this spring begin your journey with nutrx!